Wassabi kicks ass
Those of you who think wassabi is a japanese mustard that is violently hot are only half right in my case. My roommate Wael a.k.a Wassabi a.k.a Whale a.k.a. Rhino can be a deadly force of nature with a destructive power rivalled by God, Hercules, and that one dude from Matrix Neo. The only reason humanity has endured so long is because of his phenomenal ability to control his temper. I have included a chart of Wassabi's responses to my mishaps.
This is not to say, of course, that he is a pushover...Bad things happen if Wassabi gets mad. An artist's impression of one incident...
Besides being a risk to the U.S.'s national security, Wassabi also happens to be one of the few mortals who can challenge my eating skills. His videogaming skills would make a Japanese nerd run home to his mom. His flatulence would shame the fart champions of the world, and he has been dubbed 'the silent killer'. Unless he declares 'safety', your olifactory muscles will never be quite the same again. Anyway, as Satan said while wassabi dragged him from the Garden of Eden because he refused to leave....Wassabi kicks ass.

Besides being a risk to the U.S.'s national security, Wassabi also happens to be one of the few mortals who can challenge my eating skills. His videogaming skills would make a Japanese nerd run home to his mom. His flatulence would shame the fart champions of the world, and he has been dubbed 'the silent killer'. Unless he declares 'safety', your olifactory muscles will never be quite the same again. Anyway, as Satan said while wassabi dragged him from the Garden of Eden because he refused to leave....Wassabi kicks ass.
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